Are you doing your part to help Build, Start or Support Small Businesses? (SDSI Newsletter 8/31/17)
/You know, in these uncertain times, when facts are conflated with opinion, not much is “for sure.” But one thing is: small businesses drive the economy. It’s particularly relevant when you look at our Sport and Athletic Lifestyle space. It’s true we have some relatively large businesses in the group like Vans or GoPro, but we also have ping pong companies, small golf brands, nutrition companies and many others. In fact, our Springboard program itself has accelerated or helped birth over 70 companies in our space, and created almost 500 new jobs. We are in the process of development of an industry census of sorts, but our 3 year old research pegs the local SAL economy at 37,000 jobs, over $2 Billion in revenue… and growing. Our local cycling industry measured out at $547 Million annually; most all are small businesses with less than 30 employees.
Our friend Sully Sullivan points out that our space in the local economy is one of the few that connects with San Diegans every day…Mom’s buying soccer shoes, wet suits, athletic balls…you name it. So we count in the local economy.
You can help. Pass the word along about the amazing Springboard program. Its easy to do, just direct people to the website… it’s all there. If you would like to really lend your experience and time, we welcome experienced people into the Springboard mentoring program. There are not many things you can do in your business life that can bring the pleasure of helping a young entrepreneur succeed. This year our Mentors will donate over 1600 hours to help others succeed. How awesome is that!