Hasta La Vista, 2020!

From almost any point of view, 2020 was a year of tragedy. The sacrifices from the front line workers, the tragic family losses, the politicization of public health, the loss of jobs and the death of so many small businesses… it's a long list.


But 10 years from now, my guess is that 2020 will be seen as a time of transformation. Out of the turmoil, grief and anxiety, some truly transformative things are happening. People are prioritizing their health. Home officing has created a new work day and work place. Commute time is way down. Communication has been revolutionized, not by technology, but by the wide adoption of Zoom type technologies. Preschoolers are learning online. So are college students!

Where is it all going? Some place where people are healthier physically and emotionally, perhaps more balanced in work life, revaluing the importance of real time social interfaces… and most importantly, being inclusive, kind and generous. Call me an optimist!

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